
About WOC


We develop students’ skills, attentiveness and aesthetic sense so that they can become independent.

World Optical College(WOC) develops eye care and eyewear professionals to have the necessary skills, aesthetic sense and attentiveness. Our school is one of the few in Japan that specializes in glasses.
Our technical school was founded in 1989 with the support of Paris Miki.
School develops specialists in the fields of glasses making and ophthalmology in fully equipped classrooms with experienced teachers.
Our curriculum specializes in learning about glasses and how glasses can suit the customer.
We aim to nurture independent professionals who also have interpersonal skills.
Students are expected to foster sincere attentiveness to guide each customer through the process of getting glasses with the solid base of skills they will acquire as a glasses expert.
Students are also expected to elevate their aesthetic sense because glasses are a part of fashion

Course I

Requirements a high school diploma
Term of study 3-years

School Fees

Entrance Fee 200,000JPY
Tuition [First Semester] 200,000JPY  
[Second Semester] 200,000JPY
Facility Fee [First Semester] 50,000JPY  
[Second Semester] 50,000JPY
Training Fee [First Semester] 75,000JPY  
[Second Semester] 75,000JPY
Total <1st year> 850,000JPY

Course II

Requirements a diploma from a technical school or college (two or four-year)
Term of study 2-years

School Fees

Entrance Fee 200,000JPY
Tuition [First Semester] 250,000JPY  
[Second Semester] 250,000JPY
Facility Fee [First Semester] 50,000JPY  
[Second Semester] 50,000JPY
Training Fee [First Semester] 75,000JPY  
[Second Semester] 75,000JPY
Total <1st year> 950,000JPY

Learning about Glasses

The basic curriculum consists of five different fields.
“Fashion” teaches about aesthetic sense.
“Vision” teaches how to conduct an eye exam.
“Creation” gives students the skills to create and adjust eyewear.
“Hospitality” focuses on being able to suggest suitable products to customers.
“Management” will give students the competence to manage the business to satisfy customers.
The goal is to be a professional in each field, and when you complete your studies you’ll be an eyewear professional with highly developed skills, aesthetic sense and attentiveness.




Students will learn the basics of colors, brightness and modeling to refine their aesthetic sense.
We offer practical training classes using the latest computer graphics technology that we’ve developed.
Through these classes, students learn the skills to take photos and operate devices to quickly give the best suggestions for frames and colors to customers.



Students will study the science of vision from various aspects and learn both theory and skills.
Students also learn the relevance between visual information that is sent to the brain and daily life to be able to understand what kind of problems customers have and give quick and appropriate suggestions.



In order to create unique, one-of-a-kind beautiful glasses, students will learn the skills to create, adjust and align glasses.
Students also have practical training to learn how to use and operate glasses making equipment.



To be able to suggest suitable frames and lenses to customers from a worldwide selection of various materials and quality, students will study the latest methods to acquire deep and wide merchandise knowledge.Students also visit and observe various frame and lens factories.



Students will thoroughly learn basic business manners for taking care of customers.
Study involves role playing and discussions based on actual past situations and students will be able to acquire the appropriate manners naturally through this training.
Students also study the necessary skills and knowledge to manage a shop and to be an independent worker who can manage a business.